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1aa.vv.Scotch whisky1976It
2Abbott, BillyThe Philosophy of Whisky2021 British Library Publishing En
3Acar, MatthieuUne brève mais intense histoire du whisky francais2023 FlammarionFr
4Accolti, PieroIl Mio amico whisky1963It
5ACTeMemorial ACTe, Exploring Slavery and the African Slave Trade in the Caribbean and around the World2015En
6Adamson, GregorArran water2019En
7Advice, AnthonyStoria meravigliosa del Tabacco1965 CanesiIt
8AISEnografia internazionaleIt
9AISLa degustazioneIt
10Akley, SteveBourbon Assignments 20222021 ABV NetworkEn
11Alibert, Pierre-BarthélémyLa Fabuleuse aventure du Rhum2018 OrphieFr
12Allhoff, Fritz; Adams, Marcus P.Whiskey and Philosophy2009 WileyEn
13American Distilling Institute2021 Distillers' Resource directory2021En
14Andrews, AllenThe Whisky Barons1977 Neil Wilson Pub En
15Angeloni, UmbertoSingle Malt Whiskey2001 Brioni Roman Style USAEn
16Ann, ApplefordRothes 2001 and 'oor young daysEn
17Appelius, MarioLe isole del raggio verde. Cuba, Giamaica, Haiti, Portorico, Piccole Antille1929 AlpesIt
18ArdbegArdbeg Committee welcome
19Arrigoni, FrancescoFranciacorta un vino, una terra2010It
20Arthur, HelenSingle malt whisky : guida ai whisky di tutto il mondo1998 IdealibriIt
21Arthur, HelenThe Connoisseur's Guide to Whisky: Discover the World's Finest WhiskiesEn
22Arthur; HelenA Teacher's Tale: 175 Years of Scotch Whisky Through the Eyes W.M. Teacher & SonsEn
23Arthur; HelenWhisky: The Water of LifeEn
24Arzak, Juan MariArzak, recetasBainet MediaEs
25Ashworth, LizThe Book of Bere2017 BirlinnEn
26Atkinson, DavidGalles2007 EDTIt
27Ballato, GiustinoIl grande libro del Vermouth e dei liquori italiani2018 EDTIt
28Banks, IainRaw Spirit2004 Random HouseEn
29Barnard, AlfredThe Whisky Distilleries of the United Kingdom2008 Birlinn PublishersEn
30Barrett, Kate100 Walks in Scotland2003En
31Barzini, Stefania; Fassone, FabioSale. Un pizzico non vale l'altro2007 David SterryIt
32Baxter; ColinThe Scotland Visitor GuideColin Baxter Photography En
33Beccaria, Gian LuigiMisticanze2009 Garzanti LibriIt
34Bell, DarekAlt Whiskeys: Alternative Whiskey Recipes and Distilling Techniques for the Adventurous Craft DistillerEn
35Bénitah, ThierryPiccola enciclopedia del whisky2002It
36Bénitah, Thierry; Bellier, Jean-Marc; Dron, EmmanuelWhiskyEn
37Benzi, Cinzia; Cosimo, Laura DiSauternes. Viaggio alla scoperta di un vino dolce leggendario2012It
38Berlendis, LorenzoPerdersi nel Carso2022 Altra EconomiaIt
39Bianchi, Adrien Grant Smith; Gaubert-Turpin, JulesIl giro del mondo in 80 bicchieri. Appunti di viaggio da sorseggiare, dalle birre belghe al whisky giapponese2020 SLOWBOOKIt
40Bielenberg, AndyLocke's Distillery1993En
41Bigano, Valerio1000 e una botte2019 Valerio BiganoIt
42Bigano, ValerioC'era una volta il Vermouth2024 Valerio BiganoIt
43Bigano, ValerioCognac d'Italie, una tradizione che viene da lontano2022 Valerio BiganoIt
44Bigano, ValerioLa lunga storia del Rhum Italiano2022 Valerio BiganoIt
45Bigano, ValerioMagnoberta cento anni di distillati2017It
46Bigano, ValerioWhisky d'Italia2013 Valerio BiganoIt
47Billett, MikePeat and Whisky, the unbreakable bond2023En
48Biolchini, Enrico; Cabella, GiorgioIl pesce giusto. 50 gustose ricette che rispettano il mare2014It
49Biondi, DanieleLa decade del rumIt
50Blundo, IreneL'alambicco e la bambina2016It
51BonolloOf BonolloIt
52Borgianni, LorenzoGingegneria Applicata. Il giro d'Italia in 100 gin, raccontati dal Gingegnere2020 Il ForchetterieIt
53Borkowski, KonradJura, the wild island2014 EphotopressEn
54Borkowski, KonradSpirits of Jaruizawa2024En
55Boucherie, AnthonyThe art of making whiskeyEn
56Boucherie, AnthonyThe art of making whiskey1819 (2021) Homestead CraftsEn
57Bowditch, Lyndsey; Body, Scotland. Parliament. CorporateThe Scottish Parliament2009En
58Branca Di Romanico, NiccolòBranca sulle ali dell'eccellenzaIt
59Bridgland, NickDallas Dhu Distillery2002En
60Briggs, MargaretWhisky: The Water of LifeEn
61Brooks, J. A.Welcome to IonaEn
62Broom, DaveA sense of place2022 Mitchell BeazleyEn
63Broom, DaveGin: The Manual2015 Mitchell BeazleyEn
64Broom, DaveRum2004 Agepe EditoreIt
65Broom, DaveRum: The Manual2017 Mitchell BeazleyEn
66Broom, DaveThe World Atlas of Whisky2014 Mitchell BeazleyEn
67Broom, DaveThe World Atlas of Whisky2010En
68Broom, DaveVodka: The Essential Guide for Vodka Purists2018 Carlton BooksEn
69Broom, DaveWhisky. Guida per intenditori2001It
70Broom, DaveWhisky: The ManualMitchell BeazleyEn
71Brown, GordonThe Whisky Trails2000 Prion BooksEn
72Brown, JaredViaggio di spirito. La storia del bere: 12015 ReadrinkIt
73Brown, JaredViaggio di spirito. La storia del bere: 22016 ReadrinkIt
74Brown, Jared McDaniel; Miller, Anistatia Renard; (Foreword), Gary ReganSpirituous Journey: A History of Drink, Book One2009 Jared BrownEn
75Brown, Jared McDaniel; Miller, Anistatia Renard; (Foreword), Gary ReganSpirituous Journey: A History of Drink, Book Two2010 Jared BrownEn
76Brown, Jared McDaniel; Miller, Anistatia Renard; Broom, DaveCuba2009 Mixellany En
77Brown, Jim; Reps, LouisThe rise and fall of Pattisons whisky of Leith2020En
78Bryson, LewDegustare il whisky. La guida completa ai piaceri unici dei migliori whisky al mondo2015 LSWRIt
79Bryson, LewTasting Whiskey2014 Storey PublishingEn
80Bryson, LewWhiskey Master Class: The Ultimate Guide to Understanding Scotch, Bourbon, Rye, and More2020 Harvard CommonEn
81Bullock, TomMezcal. La guida completa per vivere l'esperienza di un distillato unico al mondo2018 GiuntiIt
82Bunting, ChrisDrinking Japan: A Guide to Japan's Best Drinks and Drinking EstablishmentsTuttle PublishingEn
83Buonincontro, AnielloDegustazione razionale. Con un'analisi del fenomeno sigaro2020 OdoyaIt
84Burrell, IanRum, A tasting course2024 Penguin Random HouseEn
85Buxrud, UlfJapanese Whisky2008 Dataanalys Scandinavia AbEn
86Buxrud, UlfRare Malts2006 Quiller PressEn
87Buxton, Ian101 Whiskies to Try Before You Die2010 Headline Book Pub En
88Buxton, IanBeer Hunter, Whisky Chaser: New writing on beer and whisky in honour of Michael Jackson.2009 Neil Wilson Publishing En
89Buxton, IanGlenfarclas 1752011 Angels' ShareEn
90Buxton, IanGlenglanssaughEn
91Buxton, IanThe Enduring Legacy of Dewars2009En
92Buxton, IanThe Famous Grouse Whisky Companion: Heritage, History, Recipes and DrinksEn
93Buxton, Ian; Hughes, Paul S.The Science and Commerce of Whisky2012 Royal Society of ChemistryEn
94CaffoCaffo 100th anniversary, 1915-20152016 MondadoriIt
95Calabrese, SalvatoreCognac2005 Sterling Publishing Company, Inc.It
96Caldenby, PärEnjoying malt whisky : first refill edition : [the why, what, when and how of malt whisky]2007 Göteborg : Pär CaldenbyEn
97Caldwell, David H.Islay2008 Birlinn PublishersEn
98Caliendo, GennaroManuale pratico sulle accise. Imposte sulla produzione e sui consumi2020 GiappichelliIt
99Cameron, AndrewEdradour The Myth, The Mafia & The MagicEn
100Campbell, JeffStati Uniti orientali2008 EDTIt
101Campbell-Preston, RosieThe Inverawe Smoked Fish CookbookEn
102Camporesi, Carla GeriA tavola con l'olio d'oliva1994 Pacini FazziIt
103Cantini, PatriziaWhisky. Storia e leggenda, usi e tradizioni del distillato più diffuso nel mondo1995It
104Capelli, StefaniaTorbiere del Sebino. Guida alla visita2014 Ente Torbiere del SebinoIt
105Capuano, M.; Vallesi, DanieleHome blending. L'hobby degli intenditori. Conoscere e miscelare sapientemente i tabacchi da pipa2016It
106Carmichael, GilbertOld Islay1998En
107Carney, JamesHighland Games (Souvenir Guides)En
108Carson, GeraldThe Social History of Bourbon2010 University Press of KentuckyEn
109Casali, LisaAutoproduzione in cucina : fai da te tutto quello che di solito acquisti per risparmiare e mangiare bene2013 GribaudoIt
110Castellani, VittorioCoffee books Viaggio alle radici del caffèIt
111Castroreale, MarcelloManuale di distillazione e liquoristica2017It
112Cerantola, DavideWhisky revolution festival 2018En
113Ceriani, SilviaOh com'è bella l'uva fogarina2009It
114Chalus, AryLa route des Rhums de la Canne & du SucreFr
115Charles LeslieA New History of Jamaica: From the Earliest Accounts to the Taking of Porto Bello by Vice-Admiral Vernon2015 Cambridge University PressEn
116Chartreuse 1605Chartreuse the liqueurEn
117Chateau d'YquemChateau d'Yquem2021En
118Chesneau-Dupin, Laurence; Quesnel, Anne-LiseLes Cent plus belles Images du Cognac2007 DabecomFr
119CHIVASThe Strathisla storyEn
120Clark, GregorSicilia2014 EDTIt
121Colacicchi, PaoloIl libro del whisky1971 MursiaIt
122CollinsDiscovering Scotland (Atlas & Guide)En
123Cosetti, GianniVecchia e nuova cucina di Carniastampa 2008 Edizioni Andrea MoroIt
124Coucquyt, Peter (Autore); Lahousse, Bernard; Langenbick, JohanL'arte e la scienza del foodpairing. 10.000 combinazioni per reinventare il modo di abbinare i sapori in cucina2021 Slow FoodIt
125Council Of EuropeCultura e tradizione della buona cucina in Europa : identità, diversità e dialogo2006 Sapere 2000It
126Cowdery, Charles K.Bourbon, Straight2004 Made & Bottled in KentuckyEn
127Craddock, HarryThe Savoy cocktail book2021 ArmeniaIt
128CRAFT DISTILLING EXPOThe Craft Distilleries Directory 2020En
129CRAFT DISTILLING EXPOThe Craft Distilleries Directory 2021En
130Craig, DavidOn the Crofter's Trail2006 Birlinn PublishersEn
131Cribb, Stephen; Cribb, JulieWhisky on the Rocks1998En
132Crowgey, Henry G.Kentucky Bourbon2008 University Press of KentuckyEn
133Curtis, WayneAnd a Bottle of Rum: A History of the New World in Ten Cocktails2018 Crown PubEn
134Daiches, DavidLo scotch whisky1972 RizzoliEn
135DalmoreThe DALMORE presents Richard Paterson 50 year anniversaryEn
136Damonti, MarinoIl libro completo della grappa2005It
137Danby, John M.A.Fundamentals of Celestial MechanicsWillmann-Bell, IncEn
138Dargie, RichardScottish Castles and Fortifications2004En
139Darré, Alain; Rippon, MaxSacchaRhum2018 DCAFr
140Darwen, JamesLa grande storia del whiskySilvanaIt
141Darwen, JamesLa grande storia del whisky1993 Silvana editorialeIt
142De AgostiniCaliforniaIt
143Delves, StuartCreative Fire the story of Scotland'S greatest export2007 Cyan CommunicationsEn
144Devecchi, MarzioA proposito di ArmagnacIt
145Devine, T.M.Recovering Scotland's Slavery Past2015 Edinburgh University PressEn
146DiageoClassic Malts SelectionEn
147DiageoLagavulin, the Lagavulin Islay jazz festival 20142014, DiageoEn
148DiageoPort Ellen Distillery and MaltingsDiageoEn
149Dolzan, LuigiDolzan distillatori da 170 anniIt
150Dominé, AndréVinoIt
151DomusMediridiani 141 ScoziaIt
152Donati, BrunoMarzadro... e la passione continuaIt
153Dow, JimIslands Galore2005 Black & White Pub En
154Dreyer, HolgerThe Legend of Port Ellen2008En
155Dron, EmmanuelCollecting Scotch Whisky, Volume I2017En
156Drouin, ChristianLe livre des calvados : des racines normandes, une ambition mondialeCORLETFr
157Ducasse, AlainJ'aime London. La mia Londra del gusto in 100 indirizzi2014It
158Edwards, MichaelChampagneEn
159Equiano, OlaudahThe Interesting Narrative and Other Writings: Revised Edition
160Erdal, DavidLocal Heroes: How Loch Fyne Oysters Embraced Employee Ownership and Business SuccessEn
161Fadda, Francesco BrunoSpirito autoctono. Distillati, liquori di pregio, amari: il buon bere tutto italiano2022 TouringIt
162Falconi, EzioGli alcolici nel mondo dalla A alla ZIt
163Fallon, Steve; Williams, NicolaParigi. Con cartina2009 EDTIt
164Fanetti, Gregorio LuigiGrapàt della Val San Giacomo, omaggio a Romano LeviC4 Circolo CulturaleIt
165Ferraboschi, LorenzoGuida al sake. La bevanda, le temperature, i bicchieri e gli abbinamenti2021 Trenta EditoreIt
167Fireman, PaytonDistillery Operations2016 Payton Fireman Attorney at LawEn
168Fitzpatrick, KarenImages of Scotland2007 Lomond Publications, IncorporatedEn
169Flatt, BenSeasons of Flatt'sEn
170Fleischman, JosephThe Art of Blending and Compounding Liquors and Wines. And Valuable Information Concerning Whiskeys in Bond1885 (2017)En
171Forbes, R. J.Short History of the Art of Distillation2009En
172Formaggio Primo Livello, Manuale Master of FoodSlow FoodIt
173Foss, RichardRum, A Global History2012 Reaktion BooksEn
174Gardyne, Tom BruceThe Scotch Whisky Book2002 Lomond Publications, IncorporatedEn
175Gargano, LucaAtlante del Rum2023 LSWRIt
176Gargano, LucaAtlas du rhum2014Fr
177Gargano, LucaNomade tra i barili2019It
178Garino, Marco; Turconi, Mirko On the rocks. Tutto quello che volevi sapere sul ghiaccio2019 PendragonIt
179Gasnier, VincentBere bene2006It
180Gasparri, FrancoWhisky Mania2024 TrentaEditoreIt
181Gawthrop, JohnBerlino2011 VallardiIt
182Gemelli, Marco; Bellanca, Federico SilvioToscana da bere. Viaggio tra i cocktail bar, le storie e i luoghi della mixology2019It
183Genet, Brigitte; Parisis, Henri et DeniseMarie-Galante, Terre d'histoire sucrière2021 NestorFr
184Giaccone, L.; Signoroni, E.Il piacere della birra. Viaggio nel mondo della bevanda più antica2017It
185Gilli, DaviesCeltic Cuisine: An illustrated book on traditional and contemporary Celtic recipesEn
186Giovinazzo, AgostinoContrabbando doganale e reati in materia di accise2020 Key EditoreIt
187GiuntiBirra e...It
188GiuntiIl vino1999 Giunti EditoreIt
189GiuntiLa piccola bibbia della cucina vegetariana2009It
190GiuntiOrto e frutteto biologico. Il grande libro2010It
191Givens, RonBourbon at Its Best : The Lore and Allure of America's Finest Spirits2008 Clerisy PressEn
192GlenfiddichThe Whisky companionEn
193GlengoyneGlengoyne being the true story of a small scottish Distillery (or nearly true)En
194Gotti, Marco GuarnaschelliGrande enciclopedia illustrata della gastronomia2007It
195Grant, KenThe life and times of Willie WhiskyEn
196Greco, Silvio; Scaffidi, CinziaGuarda che mare. Come salvare una risorsa2007It
197Green, MartinCollecting Malt Whisky2007 Green Blake Enterprises En
198Greenberg, EmanuelWhiskey in the kitchenEn
199Greene, PhilipTo have and have another, a Hemingway cocktail companion2015 PerigeeEn
200GribaudoI DistillatiIt
201Groth, Jan; Adler, ArneWhisky & Food2011 Grenadine PubEn
202Guagnini, Enrico; Zingales, FrancoIl whisky1978En
203Guides, Fodor's TravelFodor's Pacific Northwest2017 Full-Color Travel GuideEn
204Guidot, MickaëlWhisky. Manuale per aspiranti intenditori2019It
205Halley, NedSandeman: Two Hundred Years of Port and SherryEn
206Harrap, Simon; Nurney, DaveRSPB Pocket Guide to British Birds2007 A&C BlackEn
207Harris, James Franklin; Waymack, Mark H.Single-Malt Whiskies of Scotland1992 Open Court Publishing CompanyEn
208Harrison, Joel; Ridley, NeilDistilled2015 Mitchell BeazleyEn
209HC EditionsLe Rhum et la Canne2013 HCFr
210Hedderwick, MairiHebridean Pocket Diary 2014 (Diaries)BirlinnEn
211Helton, Justin; Pierce, Daniel S.Corn from a Jar2013En
212Highland ParkHighland Park a good foundationEn
213Hills, PhillipAppreciating Whisky2002 Harper UkEn
214Hills, PhillipAPPRECIATING WHISKY2017 White Mule PressEn
215Hills, PhillipScots on Scotch2002 Mainstream Publishing CompanyEn
216Historic ScotlandCalanais: The standing stonesEn
217Historic ScotlandElgin CathedralEn
218Historic ScotlandStirling CastleHistoric ScotlandEn
219Historic ScotlandThe ancient monuments of ShetlandEn
220Historic ScotlandThe Herring girls in StornowayEn
221Historic ScotlandThe Palace of Holyroodhouse2010 Royal Collection PublicationsEn
222Hoffmann, Marc A.Whisky2007En
223Hopkins, Kate99 Drams of Whiskey: The Accidental Hedonist's Quest for the Perfect Shot and the History of the DrinkEn
224Horrocks, HilaryGlencoeEn
225Howlett, LeonThe Kentucky Bourbon Experience2011En
226Hughes, JohnScotland's Malt Whisky Distilleries2009 History PressEn
227Hughes, JohnStill Going Strong2005 Tempus Pub En
228Humphreys, RobLondra2008 A. VallardiEn
229Humphreys, RobScozia2009 A. Vallardi viaggiIt
230Humphreys; RobThe Rough Guide to Scottish Highlands and Islands (Rough Guide Travel Guides)En
231Il GiornaleI Distillati volume primoIt
232Il GiornaleI Distillati volume secondoIt
233Il Sole 24 OreSicilia, l'Italia del Gambero RossoIt
234Insor, Istituto nazionale di sociologia RuraleAtlante dei prodotti tipici2001It
235Isherwood, Christine; Welsh, MaryWalking the Isles of Islay, Jura and ColonsayEn
236Jackson, MichaelAtlante mondiale del whisky2005It
237Jackson, MichaelBirra2008It
238Jackson, MichaelGuida alle birre del mondo1999En
239Jackson, MichaelGuida completa al whisky di malto2016It
240Jackson, MichaelLa guida di Michael Jackson Birra le migliori 500It
241Jackson, MichaelMalt Whisky Companion2015En
242Jackson, MichaelMalt Whisky Companion 6th edition2010 DK Publishing (Dorling Kindersley)En
243Jackson, MichaelMichael Jackson's Complete guide to Single Malt Scotch1999 Running Press Book PublishersEn
244Jackson, MichaelScotland and Its Whiskies2005 Duncan Baird PublishersEn
245Jackson, MichaelStorie nel bicchiere di birra, di whisky, di vita2006It
246Jackson, MichaelWhisky2005 DK Publishing (Dorling Kindersley)En
247Jackson, MichaelWhisky2005 DK Publishing (Dorling Kindersley)En
248Jackson, Michael; Wright, Harry CoryThe Whiskies of Scotland2011 Duncan Baird PubEn
249Jackson; MichaelMalt Whisky Companion 5h edition2003 Gardners BooksEn
250Jackson; MichaelThe World Guide to WhiskyDorling Kindersley PublishersEn
251James Eadie Ltd.The Distilleries of Great Britain & Ireland2022 James Eadie LtdEn
252Jameson, John and sonTruths about Whisky1920 circa, riproduzioneEn
253Jefford, AndrewPeat Smoke and Spirit2004En
254Jerez SherryThe big book of sherry wines2006 Jerez de la Frontera : Consejo Regulador DO Jerez-Xeres-SherryEn
255Jones, Jacqui; Wilmot, JoanBoxing Clever Cookbook2002En
256Keay; JohnCollins Encyclopaedia of ScotlandTrafalgar SquareEn
257Kergommeaux, De DavinCanadian Whisky: the Portable Expert2012 McClelland & StewartEn
258Kilby, KenCoopers and Coopering2008 Shire PublicationsEn
260Krass, PeterBlood and Whiskey: The Life and Times of Jack DanielWileyEn
261La Maison du WhiskyAntipodes2022Fr
262Laing, RobinThe Whisky Muse : Collected and Introduced by Robin Laing2003 Luath PressEn
263Laing, RobinThe Whisky Muse Volume II: Scotch Whisky in Poem and Song2018 Luath PressEn
264Laing, RobinThe Whisky Muse: Scotch Whisky in Poem and Song2008 Luath PressEn
265Laing, RobinThe Whisky River2014 Luath PressEn
266Laing, RobinWhisky Legends of IslayEn
267Lambert, Christine; Cuvier, LaurentGuide Hachette des Rhums: 600 rhums du monde commentés, 170 marques et distilleries , 70 coups de coeur2021 HachetteFr
268Lamond, JohnThe Malt File, Second Edition1993 The Master of MaltEn
269Lamond, John; Tucek, RobinThe Malt Whisky FileEn
270Lamond, John; Tucek, RobinThe Malt Whisky File2007 Canongate BooksEn
271Lamont, CarlaThe Ninth Wave2014En
272Langley, AndrewKnockando1998 Good BooksEn
273Lawrence, SueScots Cooking2002 Headline Book Pub En
274Lerner, DanielSingle Malt & Scotch Whisky2000 KonemannEn
275Lerner, Daniel; Resnick, JaneSingle Malt & Scotch Whisky1998En
276Liebaert, Alexis; Maya, AlainIl grande libro della PipaIt
277Locatelli, GiorgioMade in Italy: Food and Stories2010 HarperCollins UKEn
278Lochhead, Liz; McCall, Alexander; Himelfarb, Ellen; Jamie, Kathleen; Crick, Ser Bernard; MacLean, CharlesJura taste island life2006En
279Lockhart, Sir Robert BruceScotch: Whisky of Scotland in Fact and StoryEn
280Lonely PlanetCaribbean Islands2021 Lonely PlanetEn
281Lonely PlanetGlobal Distillery Tour2019 Lonely PlanetEn
282Ludlow, EddieWhisky A Tasting CourseEn
283Lukins, JocelynDolton Kingsware Whisky FlasksEn
284Lupetti, AlbertoLa Mia Champagne2020 Promozioni ChampagneIt
285Luraghi, Elena; Rando, Cinzia52 weekend da sogno2011En
286Lyon, Elizabeth; Hedderwick, MairiScotland's Malt Whiskies1988, Famedram PublishersEn
287MacDougall, DougieAs long as the water flowsEn
288MacFarlane, Alan; MacFarlane, IrisOro verde. La straordinaria storia del tè2004It
289Macilwain, IanArdmore: A Portrait of a Malt Whisky Distillery at WorkEn
290Macilwain, IanBottled History2009 Envisage Books LondonEn
291Mackenzie, AlexanderStories of the Highland ClearancesEn
292MacLean, CharlesGreat Whiskies2011 Dorling KindersleyEn
293MacLean, CharlesIl whisky nel mondo2020 ReadrinkIt
294MacLean, CharlesLa magia del whisky. Viaggio alla scoperta delle distillerie scozzesi2017 LSWRIt
295MacLean, CharlesMacLeans Miscellany of WhiskyMax PressEn
296MacLean, CharlesMacLean's Miscellany of Whisky2005En
297MacLean, CharlesScotch Whisky2005 Sterling Publishing Company, Inc.En
298MacLean, CharlesScotch Whisky2004 Mitchell BeazleyEn
299MacLean, CharlesThe Scottish Toast Master2007En
300MacLean, CharlesWhisky2008 Dorling KindersleyEn
301MacLean, CharlesWhisky di Malto2003It
302MacLean, CharlesWhisky Tales2006, Little BooksEn
303MacLean, CharlesWhiskypedia2009 Birlinn En
304MacLean, CharlesWorld Whisky2009 Dorling KindersleyEn
305Macleod; IseabailPocket Guide to Scottish WordsEn
306Macnab, P. A.Mull & Iona (Pevenskey Island Guides)1995 David & CharlesEn
307Macnab; P.A.Mull and Iona2008 David & CharlesEn
308MacNeill, MoragEveryday Gaelic2006 BirlinnEn
309Maestrelli, MajurizioLa grammatica dei cocktail2024 GribaudoIt
310Magazin, WhiskeyWhisky Magazine Tastings2008 Navigator GuidesEn
311Magee, Malachy1000 Years of Irish Whiskey1980 The O'Brien PressEn
312Mald, CyrilleRum e altri distillati di canna da zucchero2022 L'ippocampoIt
313Mald, CyrilleWhisky, dai single malts scozzesi alle distillerie artigianali2021 L'ippocampoIt
314Mald, Cyrille; Vingtier, AlexandreIconic whisky. Single malts & more2015It
315Malle, Bettina; Schmickl, Helge The Artisan's Guide to Crafting Distilled Spirits: Small-Scale Production of Brandies, Schnapps & Liquors: Small-Scale Production of Brandies, Schnapp2015 Spikehorn PrEn
316Marchant, IanIsole, incontri, pub. Soprattutto pub2010It
317Martegani, Ugo; Zannino, AdrianoLa grappa nella storia e nel costume italiano.1968 CanesiIt
318Martin, AngusCampbletown Whisky, an encyclopaedia2020 The Grimsay PressEn
319Masini, Stefano; Scaffidi, CinziaSementi e diritti. Grammatiche di libertà2008It
320Massarotto, MarcoSake. Il Giappone in un bicchiere2018 Quinto QuartoIt
321Mattaboni, AdrianoL'arte di non farsi dimenticare. Manuale completo del barman modernoIt
322Matteucci, SapoC'era una vodka : un'educazione spirituale da 0° a 60°2010 GLF editori LaterzaIt
323Mazanti, MariaWhisky Walks Scotland2022 HelvetiqEn
324Mazzola, EleonoraIl whisky in ItaliaIt
325McConachie, Sheila; Harvey, GrahamThe Whisky Kitchen: 100 Ways with Whisky and FoodEn
326McCrorie, IanCaledonian MacBrayne2010En
327McEvoy, JohnMezcal! Guida completa dall'Agave agli Zapotechi2016 ReadrinkIt
328McEwan, Jim; Sonntag, Udo A Journeyman's Journey: The Story of Jim McEwan2021 Plassen VerlagEn
329McGuffin, JohnIn praise of Poteen1978 The Appletree PressEn
330McHardy, StuartTales of Whisky2010 Luath PressEn
331McHardy, StuartTales of Whisky2010 Luath PressEn
332McHarry, SamuelThe Practical Distiller2010En
333McIan, R. R.The clans and tartans of Scotland1988 Bracken BooksEn
334McKelvie, Robin e JennyScozia2020 National GeographicIt
335Melis, GianlucaLa cachaca. Lo spirito brasiliano2020 Cavinato It
336MessicoLonely Planet2024 Lonely PlanetIt
337Milano Whisky FestivalScotch Whisky Guide 2022It
338Milano Whisky FestivalWhisky Guida 2019It
339Miller, Gregory H.Whisky Science: A Condensed Distillation2019 SpringerEn
340Milroy, WallaceMalt Whisky Almanac: A Taster's GuideEn
341Milroy, WallaceMalt Whisky Almanac: A Taster's GuideEn
342Milroy, Wallace; Wilson, NeilWhisky in Your Pocket2011 Waverley Books En
343Minnekeer, Bob; Roesbeke, Stef; Verschetze, Andrew; Devos, JorisSingle Malt Flavours2011 Lannoo Publishers (Acc)En
344Minnick, FredBourbon2016 Voyageur Press (MN)En
345Mitchell, IanIsles of the North: A Voyage to the Realms of the NorseEn
346Mitchell, IanIsles of the West: 4En
347Mitenbuler, ReidBourbon Empire: passato e futuro del whiskey d'America2016 ReadrinkIt
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493Ronde, IngvarMalt Whisky Yearbook 20222021 MagDig Media En
494Ronde, IngvarMalt Whisky Yearbook 20232022 MagDig Media En
495Ronde, IngvarMalt Whisky Yearbook 20242023 MagDig Media En
496Ronde, IngvarMalt Whisky Yearbook 20252024 MagDig Media En
497Rosati, Mauro; Verrini, LuigiAtlante Qualivita : i prodotti agroalimentari italiani DOP IGP STG : 20092008 Edizioni del GustoIt
498Roskrow, Dominic1001 Whiskies You Must Taste Before You Die2012 1001 (Universe)En
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504Rotherham, Ian DPeat and Peat Cutting2009 Shire PublicationsEn
505Rough GuidesAmsterdam prima edizioneIt
506Rough GuidesIrlanda seconda edizioneIt
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509RoutardNormandia e Bretagna2015It
510RoutardScozia2011 Il viaggiatoreIt
511Rowthorn, ChrisGiappone2012 EDTIt
512RscdsA guide to scottish country dancingEn
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514Sacarto, Douglas M.Guidebook to Whiskey and Other Distilled Spirits in Colorado, New Mexico and Wyoming2018En
515Salumi Primo Livello, Manuale Master of FoodSlow FoodIt
516Samaroli, Silvano S.Whisky eretico2016It
517Samuels, Bill JrMaker's Mark : My Autobiography2000 Regency Books, IncorporatedEn
518Sandhaus, DerekBaijiu: The Essential Guide to Chinese Spirits2015 Viking AustraliaEn
519Savelli, GiulioSigaro mioIt
520Schei, Liv KjorsvikThe Shetland Isles2006 Colin Baxter PhotographyEn
521Schmid, Albert W. A.The Kentucky Bourbon Cookbook2010 University Press of KentuckyEn
522Schobert, WalterThe Whisk(e)y Treasury2002 Neil Wilson Pub En
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563Slow FoodMaster of food BIRRAIt
564Slow FoodMaster of food DISTILLATI E ALCOLATIIt
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589Smith, Gavin D.; Wallace, GraemeDiscovering Scotlands DistilleriesEn
590Spoelman, ColinThe Bourbon Drinker's Companion2024 AbramsEn
591Spoelman, ColinThe Kings County Distillery Guide to Urban Moonshining: How to Make and Drink Whiskey2013 Harry N AbramEn
592Staffa, DavideIl grande libro dei rum. Atlante dedicato al rum ed al suo mondo a 360 gradi2013It
593Staffa, DavideLe icone mondiali dei rum-World icons of rum. Ediz. bilingue2020 AutopubblicatoIt
594Steadman, RalphStill Life with Bottle: Whisky According to Ralph SteadmanEn
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596Sterling, CynthiaBranding: Distilled2015En
597Stewart, KatharineA Croft in the HillsEn
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599Stirk, DavidMalt Whisky Guide2002En
600Stirk, DavidThe Distilleries of Campbeltown: The Rise and Fall of the Whisky Capital of the World2005 Angels ShareEn
601Stursa, ScottDistilled in Oregon: A History & Guide with Cocktail Recipes2017 Arcadia PublishingEn
602Sugliano, Luigi; Murialdo, BrunoLEVI e la Donna Selvatica2008 Sorì EdizioniIt
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607Tait, CharlesA Souvenir Guide to OrkneyCharles Tait PhotographicEn
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609Tait; CharlesThe Orkney Guide Book third editionEn
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611Taylor, KennyScotland's Nature and WildlifeEn
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617Terziotti, Davide; Riva, ClaudioLo spirito del whisky. Storia, aneddoti, tendenze e cocktail2019 White StarIt
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1Whisky The ManualBroom, Dave2014 Octopus PubKindleEn
2Canadian Whisky, second editionDe Kergommeaux, Davin2017 De KergommeauxKindleEn
3The Definitive Guide to Canadian DistilleriesDe Kergommeuax, Davin; Phillips, Blair2020 De KergommeauxKindleEn
4Last Call, the rise and fall of ProhibitionOkrent, Daniel2011 ScribnerKindleEn
5The Complete Whiskey CourseRobinson, Robin2019 Robin RobinsonKindleEn
6Whisky EreticoSamaroli, Silvano S.2016 GiuntiKindleIt
7But Always Fine Bourbon, Pappy Van WinkleVan Winkle Campbell, Sally1999KindleEn


1Angels' ShareKen Loach2012 Sixteen FilmsDVDEn
2Arran, the true spirit of natureaa.vv.The Isle of Arran DistillersDVDEn
3Beer Hunter, the movieaa.vv.2013 Wander Media ProductionsDVDEn
4Bowmore, the Distillers artaa.vv.Morrison BowmoreDVDEn
5Castles of Scotland 3 DVDaa.vv.Scottish TelevisionDVDEn
6Dalwhinnie Distilleryaa.vv.DiageoDVDEn
7Edinburgh Military Tattoo 2007aa.vv.2007 BBCDVDEn
8Edinburgh Military Tattoo 2008aa.vv.2008 BBCDVDEn
9Edinburgh Military Tattoo 2010aa.vv.2010 BBCDVDEn
10Edradouraa.vv.2007 Single Malt ProductionsDVDEn
11Gonzalez Byass sherryaa.vv.Gonzales ByassDVDEn
12Hebrides: Islands On The Edgeaa.vv.2013 BBCDVDEn
13Igus Orchestra - Memories Of Scotland volume IIgus Orchestra2007 LochshoreDVDEn
14Islands Of Scotlandaa.vv.Enlightenment MediaDVDEn
15Islay ('S ann an ìle)aa.vv.BBCDVDEn
16La Parte Degli AngeliKen Loach2013 BIMDVDIt
17Local HeroForsyth, Bill1983 Celandise FilmsDVDEn
18Moods of Shetlandaa.vv.Visit ShetlandDVDEn
19Mountains of Scotlandaa.vv.Enlightenment MediaDVDEn
20Noble spirits : the film trilogy : the story of cognac, rum and Whisky 3 DVDMats Omne2003 J&M Feature FilmDVDEn
21Noss, wildlife adventures in ShetlandJonathan And Andy Wills2001 Seabirds and SealsDVDEn
22On The Whisky Trailaa.vv.2003 DeltaDVDEn
23Reflections of ShetlandFrances Taylor2007 Frances TaylorDVDEn
24Riserva Naturale "Torbiere del Sebino"Ente Torbiere del Sebino2008 Ente Torbiere del SebinoDVDIt
25Rivers of Scotlandaa.vv.Enlightenment MediaDVDEn
26Saor Patrol - Hands Across The BorderSaor Patrol2009 Banshee Records (Alive)DVDEn
27ScotlandHeehaw Publishing, Richard Smith, Sandrine Bourdette, Shona Lumsden, Craig CollinsonDVDEn
28Seeing ScotlandCharlie WaiteScottish and Grampian TVDVDEn
29Step We Ceilidh, how to do 13 popular Ceilidh dancesaa.vv.Independent Video ProductionsDVDEn
30The Igus Orchestra - Memories of Scotland Volume 2 DVDIgus Orchestra2007 LochshoreDVDEn
31The Malt Project, Volume 1, Islay, 2 DVDaa.vv.2003 Jack Oswald CommunicationsDVDEn
32The Malt Project, Volume 2, The Islay Malt & Music Festival, 2 DVDaa.vv.2004 Jack Oswald CommunicationsDVDEn
33The Malt Project, Volume 3, The Highland & Lowland Distilleries, 2 DVDaa.vv.2004 Jack Oswald CommunicationsDVDEn
34The Malt Project, Volume 4, Whisky Distilleries of Speyside, 2 DVDaa.vv.2005 Jack Oswald CommunicationsDVDEn
35The Malt Project, Volume 5, The Spirit of Speyside Festivalaa.vv.2006 Jack Oswald CommunicationsDVDEn
36The Malt Project, Volume 6, Coastal & Island Distilleries, 2 DVDaa.vv.2008 Jack Oswald CommunicationsDVDEn
37The Malt Project, Volume 7, Islay Revisited and Hidden Treasures, 2 DVDaa.vv.2009 Jack Oswald CommunicationsDVDEn
38The Oban Distillery Experienceaa.vv.Atlantic Street ProductionsDVDEn
39The Old Pulteney storyaa.vv.Old PulteneyDVDEn
40The Rough Guide to Scottish Folkaa.vv.World Music NetworkCDEn
41The Sound of Whisky, a pronunciation guide to scotch whisky namesaa.vv.Scotch Whisky Directory ProductionsCDEn
42The Speyside Cooperageaa.vv.Speyside CooperageDVDEn
43The Tomintoulaa.vv.Angus Dundee DistillersDVDEn
44The Whisky Pilotaa.vv.1998 Uniqum SystemsPC CDROMEn
45The wildlife gems of IslayGordon YatesGordon YatesDVDEn
46Tullamore Dew Heritage Centreaa.vv.Tullamore DewPC CDROMEn
47Up Helly Aa, The Centennial Jarl 2006aa.vv.2006 BBCDVDEn
48Where Eagles Fly, My Scotlandaa.vv.Glencoe ProductionsDVDEn
49Whisky a volontàMackendrick, Alexander2013 SinisterDVDEn
50Whisky For BreakfastRobin Laing2011 Greentax RecordingsCDEn
51Whisky. The Islay EditionOlav VerhoevenPostorgasmickitchen ProductionDVD e BluRayEn
52William Wallace the true storyJock Ferguson1996 Cromwell ProductionsDVDEn

Ringraziamo Paolo Testa e Federico S.Bellanca per le donazioni.